Saturday, November 23, 2013

Twitter has launched a TV-targeting for all advertisers in the U.S. and UK

As reported by the representatives of the Twitter company's official blog, since 21 November 2013, advertisers in the UK and U.S. officials were able to implement targeting viewers. In addition, in the near future this feature will be available for residents of Brazil, Canada, France and Spain. Gradually the list of countries will be expanded.

First functional targeting viewers was implemented as a new ad format and launched in beta testing in the U.S. in May this year. Principle of operation of a new advertising technology is as follows: microblogging service provides advertisers a special panel, developed in conjunction with specialists Twitter Bluefin Labs. Panel allows the advertiser to track statistics broadcasts brand advertising on television. According to the analysis of statistics Twitter client gets the opportunity to publish "Promoted Tweets» (Promoted Tweets), associated with the brand or theme of advertising, right "Promoted Tweets" or some time before the beginning of advertising.

Also today, the format is supplemented with a new feature TV conversation targeting , in the framework of functional developed a special card, which displays all the activity of viewers. Analyzing the data of the map, representatives of commercial companies are able to target their advertising messages to viewers that the discussions mentioned television shows, film and broadcast transmission, where the breaks to show advertising your brand.

" Now advertisers were able to effectively and easily targeting Twitter users who are ready to accept their offer. Innovative television advertising products will enable them to expand their sphere of influence on potential customers , "- commented innovation microblogging service representatives.

In addition, studies have established that the costs to increase demand for the product by television advertising were 36% below those advertisers that in parallel with the television advertising campaign was used to target the audience and launched "Promoted Tweets."

 Furthermore, during the experiment conducted by the agency Nielsen's Marketing Analytics in the U.S., it was found that the combined use TV advertising and innovative tools Twitter allowed for 8-16% increase in sales of consumer goods.

Thus, advertisers, combining commercial advertising using technology Launch "Promoted Tweets", stated that they were able to raise 95% interest to the user interaction with the brand, 58% increase in the interest of users in the purchase of goods; lift sales by 8 - 16% and 36% reduction in the cost of attracting new customers.

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