November 14-15 in Moscow at the International Center "InfoSpace" hosted the annual conference on professional web analytics iMetrics-2013 , which were traditionally the most authoritative experts in the field of web analytics.
The organizers of the conference - the agency iConText content and advertising agency ADLABS, with the support of Yandex, Google, Rollad, Digsolab,, IJI Dijital, Adindex, CMS Magazine, IHBSM, Digit,, Gazeta ru, Interfax, and other .
When the conversion is impossible to calculate or consider it enough? The speaker believes that the first such assessment is required:
One site with a few conversions, which sells exclusive goods - yachts, helicopters, copyrights, jewelry, antiques
Media sites
As well, an analysis of traffic in the absence of target actions on the advertised site? Traffic analysis should pay attention to the behavioral indicators of users and technical data page loading the page, move the mouse, clicks the user, the focus on an object, a user leaving the page.
Compilation and analysis of the transition graph is not optional: set the popular routes, noting popular nodes, number of nodes in the routes out page from the site.
On the basis of the quality of each user and is calculated rating of traffic sources.
Particular attention should be paid to the movement of the mouse on the page and clicks (they must be the same), as well as tracking users with 100% repetition of the same actions. All sorts of weird mouse movements and repetition - give the robot and a bad landing.
The speaker is sure that by using the above parameters, it is possible to analyze the quality of traffic even on the same page, for example, on the landing page for the campaign, with the involvement of the partner network traffic. From the point of view of Constantine, only 10 transitions to determine the quality platform.
The main problem in data collection is the limited tools and quality. The best way to collect data northern counter. What else is there, except for JavaScript counters and cookies?
In closing, the speaker cited case for the audit of the traffic on the network aggregator teaser loan offers banks. Through the use of the right tools, it was possible to reduce the loss of traffic by 44% and 31% conversion price.
According to the rapporteur for any action should aim to stand. It recommended the need to use its own internal statistics, which are connected online and offline applications. Without it impossible to calculate the efficiency of the source. Optimizing a site for the channel include: work with the traffic (advertising, attracting visitors), and work with the site (basket, execution and confirmation of the order).
To solve the problems of online Quelle uses Yadeks.Metriku and Google Analytics. In addition, the company also uses its own system, believing that such a combination is most effective.
Own system of data and analytics provide the ability to measure the results of all activities, both online and offline in a single system, providing complete data through the integration of web analytics in general analytics company.
The system is used by Google Analytics Quelle to analyze user behavior on the site. The advantage here is the availability of a vast array of data that can be set by user tasks. Also, this tool is good for managing and optimizing advertising campaigns and monitoring the correctness of the data in other systems statistics.
The monitoring function correctness of the data was particularly marked Natalie, whose company, in practice, convinced of the need for double-checking the tag of traffic sources. This dual reinsurance in Quelle appeared after the reports have lost the source of 17,000 contracts. It turned out that orders have been taken into account in its reporting system, but lost in the reports of the meter. The culprit was a human error, improperly tagged source in Google Analytics. Due to track orders in the two systems, managed correctly attributing a 17,000 orders.
Yandeks.Metrika used for post-click analysis with data visualization (heat map, Vebvizor). The main advantage here is the clarity and simplicity. Heat maps well to use when communicating with managers and superiors, clearly demonstrating the necessity of certain works. Thus, the thermal map show good effect to work with content for different channels.
For different traffic channels to be created individual content. You must create separate landing pages for the common shares for remarketing - it leads to an increase in orders and a reduction in the number of failures. For stocks with a promotional code, too, must have its own landing page. Creativity in the advertising banner and landing page must be the same.
Does the presence of video on the item card for the sale? Analysis of sales and content best selling products led to the conclusion that the conversion of the goods, which added video ad page, above a 4, 5 times. Video helps to look through the product.
The covariance between sessions with conversions and sales of the product being viewed = 0.7 (everything above 0.5 very good indicator). On the basis of these data, it was decided to rank the items on conversion to the presence of video, increasing the number of videos on the site.
Increase traffic to the website and can also be due to changes in operating conditions with. Natalia believes that we should not hesitate to dictate terms need to combine their work with the marketing department and redirect users to different pages with news and promotions. No need to assume that all traffic was only one page of discount.
We need to work on improving the retention rate by the website. If this is set to rise by at least 2%, it is converted to a substantial amount.
The organizers of the conference - the agency iConText content and advertising agency ADLABS, with the support of Yandex, Google, Rollad, Digsolab,, IJI Dijital, Adindex, CMS Magazine, IHBSM, Digit,, Gazeta ru, Interfax, and other .
When the conversion is impossible to calculate or consider it enough? The speaker believes that the first such assessment is required:
One site with a few conversions, which sells exclusive goods - yachts, helicopters, copyrights, jewelry, antiques
Media sites
As well, an analysis of traffic in the absence of target actions on the advertised site? Traffic analysis should pay attention to the behavioral indicators of users and technical data page loading the page, move the mouse, clicks the user, the focus on an object, a user leaving the page.
Compilation and analysis of the transition graph is not optional: set the popular routes, noting popular nodes, number of nodes in the routes out page from the site.
On the basis of the quality of each user and is calculated rating of traffic sources.
Particular attention should be paid to the movement of the mouse on the page and clicks (they must be the same), as well as tracking users with 100% repetition of the same actions. All sorts of weird mouse movements and repetition - give the robot and a bad landing.
The speaker is sure that by using the above parameters, it is possible to analyze the quality of traffic even on the same page, for example, on the landing page for the campaign, with the involvement of the partner network traffic. From the point of view of Constantine, only 10 transitions to determine the quality platform.
The main problem in data collection is the limited tools and quality. The best way to collect data northern counter. What else is there, except for JavaScript counters and cookies?
In closing, the speaker cited case for the audit of the traffic on the network aggregator teaser loan offers banks. Through the use of the right tools, it was possible to reduce the loss of traffic by 44% and 31% conversion price.
According to the rapporteur for any action should aim to stand. It recommended the need to use its own internal statistics, which are connected online and offline applications. Without it impossible to calculate the efficiency of the source. Optimizing a site for the channel include: work with the traffic (advertising, attracting visitors), and work with the site (basket, execution and confirmation of the order).
To solve the problems of online Quelle uses Yadeks.Metriku and Google Analytics. In addition, the company also uses its own system, believing that such a combination is most effective.
Own system of data and analytics provide the ability to measure the results of all activities, both online and offline in a single system, providing complete data through the integration of web analytics in general analytics company.
The system is used by Google Analytics Quelle to analyze user behavior on the site. The advantage here is the availability of a vast array of data that can be set by user tasks. Also, this tool is good for managing and optimizing advertising campaigns and monitoring the correctness of the data in other systems statistics.
The monitoring function correctness of the data was particularly marked Natalie, whose company, in practice, convinced of the need for double-checking the tag of traffic sources. This dual reinsurance in Quelle appeared after the reports have lost the source of 17,000 contracts. It turned out that orders have been taken into account in its reporting system, but lost in the reports of the meter. The culprit was a human error, improperly tagged source in Google Analytics. Due to track orders in the two systems, managed correctly attributing a 17,000 orders.
Yandeks.Metrika used for post-click analysis with data visualization (heat map, Vebvizor). The main advantage here is the clarity and simplicity. Heat maps well to use when communicating with managers and superiors, clearly demonstrating the necessity of certain works. Thus, the thermal map show good effect to work with content for different channels.
For different traffic channels to be created individual content. You must create separate landing pages for the common shares for remarketing - it leads to an increase in orders and a reduction in the number of failures. For stocks with a promotional code, too, must have its own landing page. Creativity in the advertising banner and landing page must be the same.
Does the presence of video on the item card for the sale? Analysis of sales and content best selling products led to the conclusion that the conversion of the goods, which added video ad page, above a 4, 5 times. Video helps to look through the product.
The covariance between sessions with conversions and sales of the product being viewed = 0.7 (everything above 0.5 very good indicator). On the basis of these data, it was decided to rank the items on conversion to the presence of video, increasing the number of videos on the site.
Increase traffic to the website and can also be due to changes in operating conditions with. Natalia believes that we should not hesitate to dictate terms need to combine their work with the marketing department and redirect users to different pages with news and promotions. No need to assume that all traffic was only one page of discount.
We need to work on improving the retention rate by the website. If this is set to rise by at least 2%, it is converted to a substantial amount.
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