Friday, November 22, 2013

Google is testing a new interface homepage AdSense accounts

Contextual advertising Google AdSense began testing the updated main account page. This was reported in the official blog Inside AdSense.

English version of AdSense users can familiarize themselves with the changes after the logged into their account at / adsense . It is reported that the new interface pursues the main objective - communicating to the user the most important and valuable statistics, which has the ability to constantly change.

After making changes to the interface page, the service will be available to customers with personalized advice on monetizing the page and the whole resource, improving the usability of the page, etc.

In addition, improvements will allow even faster viewing statistics AdSense account and to analyze the data. The updated section Performance Today allow publishers to get faster access to detailed information, such as: browsing statistics by country, visits to the site with a variety of operating systems, etc., - sparing them from having to make extra clicks.

" The new home page was created to provide publishers with the opportunity of more convenient access to our reports and recommendations. And not only allows them to achieve more monetization resource, but also significantly improve usability. At the same time, the updated page AdSense account designed to provide all the most important data for the publisher. This is especially useful when the situation requires an immediate response , "- commented on the launch of the representatives of AdSense.

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